Amazon is more competitive than ever.
But there’s still a way you can stand out big…
Learn marketing.
See, most sellers treat Amazon like a business. They spend all their time trying to game the algorithm. But the truth is, Amazon isn’t a business… it’s a sales channel.
So if you spend your time on learning how to attract people to your listing… and persuade them to buy… you’ll gain a huge edge over most sellers.
In today’s article, I’m going to talk about 5 marketing gurus whose advice will help you quickly beat the competition.
Marketing Guru #1: Gary Halbert

Gary Halbert was known as the “Prince of Print”. He was one of the greatest advertising writers of all time. Gary was broke and destitute when he wrote a letter that changed the world. It was his famous “Coat of Arms” advertisement which was mailed to every house in America 3x!
The Coat of Arms was one of the first advertisements that could be mailed profitably to the yellow pages. In other words, the advertisement was so good, you could send it to anyone and it would come back profitably. This letter alone was responsible for over $100,000,000 in sales.
What can you learn from Sir Gary of Halbert? How to make your product title, bullets, and description irresistible.
You probably already know this… your competitors aren’t expert writers. So by studying Gary, you’ll have a major edge when a customer compares you with another product.
To read more from Gary, visit his website: https://www.thegaryhalbertletter.com
Marketing Guru #2: Dan Kennedy

Dan Kennedy is known as “the millionaire maker”. In the 80s, Dan Kennedy pioneered “magnetic marketing”. This is the idea of getting your customers to come to you instead of going out and working to sell to a customer.
Imagine being an insurance salesman who knocks on doors all day every day. Now imagine you implement magnetic marketing, and suddenly the buyers come to you.
Well, the same principles that bring buyers to businesses, can bring customers to your amazon page… even if you don’t have many reviews.
The best way to get started with Dan Kennedy is by reading this book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00B3M46UO/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1
Marketing Guru #3: MJ DeMarco

MJ DeMarco is the original founder and CEO of limos.com. This was one of the very first lead generation websites in the 2000s. DeMarco sold limos.com for 8-figures and retired to a reclusive mansion in Scottsdale Arizona.
He then wrote down all of his business principals in a book, The Millionaire Fastlane. Although this is a general business book, it will show you how to build a business that is more than just a product on Amazon. It will show you how to create a business that supports the lifestyle you want to live.
Marketing Guru #4: Ben Settle

Ben Settle is the world renown expert on email copywriting. That is, the art and science of getting people to open, read, and buy… all thanks to email.
You already know how powerful email is to get reviews, feedback, and sales. When you use Ben Settle’s techniques, you can see your response leap in all of these areas as a result.
The best place to get started with Ben is to subscribe to his email newsletter here:
https://www.bensettle.comMarketing Guru #5: Jay Abraham

Jay Abraham is the world’s highest paid marketing consultant. It’s because his marketing strategies have made his clients well over $21 billion in new sales!
What makes his strategies so effective? Well, Jay is a genius at showing you opportunities within your current business. For example, there may be a product your Amazon buyers would like you to sell that you aren’t thinking of. With Jay’s mindsets and systems, you can think outside of the box to provide a next level, creative experience to your customers.
To learn more about Jay Abraham, visit his website: https://www.abraham.com
In Closing

I’ve done my best to give you some unique experts here, covering every aspect of Amazon business.
It might seem a little weird. After all, most sellers do not take the time to learn marketing. But that’s exactly why it will give you such a massive edge. You can start speaking to your customers in a way no other seller is. And when you can do that, you
- Increase conversion rates
- Increase positive feedback
- Grow your ranking
- And make more sales…
Spend some time to learn marketing and it will pay off in spades.
That’s all for today.