AMZ Tracker Around The World

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A few weeks ago we started something that we hoped (and secretly knew) would be amazing, but this month – we saw got to see you guys bring it to life. It it was truly something special.

We took AMZ Tracker around the world and couldn’t have been done without YOU.

On July 7th, over 150 sellers in 22 cities across the world, gathered in cafes, pubs and restaurants for AMZ Tracker Hangouts.

Just some of the cool people who attended July AMZ Tracker Hangouts worldwide

To any outsider, it seemed like just a group of normal people getting together. But under the surface, it was so much more than that.
The excitement in the air was palpable and it was great to catch that same enthusiasm seeing the expressions on your faces. Of course, there were those slightly awkward chit-chats that always come with meeting new people, but that was quick to subside as we realized that we were all there for the same reason; to connect with great people with similar goals on the same journey as us.

Bangkok AMZ Tracker Hangouts


Have you ever heard that saying, “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with”? What if I told you that average could improve your amazon selling experience? If that’s what you’re looking for then these might just be your people.


It wasn’t about where you were in your journey, what we saw was a supportive group of people that were genuinely interested in connecting and had the desire to see everyone doing well. Some of you had been on your amazon selling journey for a few years now,  while others had started selling on the side and were just beginning to slowly transition to full time selling.


A lot of you had completed or heard of the popular courses out there, and conversations were bubbling. We got to hear experienced sellers share their stories and new sellers talk about their first wins! All while exchanging tips and offering solutions to overcome issues each were experiencing.

New York

It quickly became apparent that everyone was excited about Amazon business and we were seeing the start of something special. But what was it that really made these Hangouts great? The community.

Seeing the phone number exchanges, hearing the classic ‘let-me-add-you-on-facebook’ thrown out at the table and even some people scheduling phone calls to talk shop on Amazon after the Hangout. Before the night had even ended, people were already asking “When’s the next one??”

We weren’t looking to create something formal, like the workshops, seminars, and conferences so many sellers pay to attend because at the end of the day, you can’t pay your way to a successful business.

In many ways you can compare it to getting into shape. How many people know what’s healthy? Know what foods are bad? Read up on the newest supplements and join that fancy gym?

Of those people that do all those things and how many get the those flat stomach or abs they were after?
When you think of a lot of the people that succeeded in sculpting their ideal body, what did they have in common?
The right environment.

A support system that helped them plow through the obstacles to their success. The person that’s going to wake them up to give you a ride to the gym you both have memberships in. The friends that call when you’ve had a bad day to give you the tough love when you got that tube of Pringles in your hand, because everyone knows what happens ‘Once you pop…’

That’s the community we hoped to build. Those are the people we want to connect you with. We wanted to give you ideal environment where the value from experiences in fun, social environments becomes value on your amazon journey becoming game changer that could help your business.


You’ve now caught a glimpse of the beginning of something special with AMZ Tracker Hangouts, and we don’t want you missing out on being apart of the next one. AMZ Tracker Hangouts will take place the first Thursday of every month, wherever there is a presence.

The next Hangouts will be August 4th. If you don’t see one near you, put your hand up to host one!

The AMZ Tracker Team

A special thanks to our Hangout Hosts