A really, really important key to planning your product page on Amazon is to think about what you’d want to see there if you were considering buying it.
#1 Benefits, not features
What potential customers want to see is a list of benefits. But probably, what you have is a list of product features.
One copywriter has a way of extracting proper benefit information from clients. The client will say “my spatula is lime green.” The copywriter asks: “Which means that…?”
The client looks puzzled, and says “Well, it means it’s green.”
The copywriter nods, and the client gives the next feature. “It has a cool-touch handle.”
“Which means that…?”
And then the client gets it, and says, “Which means that if you use it, you’re not going to burn your fingers.”
I’d suggest you do the same. And keep asking till you get something that will really make people want to buy. “This coffee press has double walls.”
Which means that… “The coffee will keep hot for longer.”
Which means that… “I can make two cups of coffee at the same time.”
#2 Don’t overlook how seriously customers do their due diligence.
If they’re buying some cute thing for themselves, they probably won’t do much. But if they’re buying something for pets, young children, or elderly parents, they will do a lot of checking to make sure it’s safe.
Putting safety information just below the benefit information is a smart thing to do. It shows you’ve thought about the issue. (Just make sure it’s right!) “We’ve checked this toy out, and there are no sharp edges or small detachable parts that could hurt your baby.”
Your customer doesn’t have to search for the okay to buy your product. You’ve just said it. It’s okay!
#3 Mention your customer so they know this product is for them and they’re on the right page.
It can be as simple as “beauty products specially made for darker skin,” or “Your home made pizza’s good, but not quite good enough? This pizza stone’s for you!”
Or if you have a target market which uses particular jargon, like Trekkies or IT geeks or bikers, then use their language in your copy. “If you eat asphalt, you’ll be glad you bought this dome!” tells a biker you speak their language, even if it’s a bit corny. “Buy this helmet if you don’t want to get hurt when you crash your bike” – you’ve blown it.
#4 Imagine you’re unboxing the product for the first time.
Is it obvious how it works? What goes where? Remember, too, that seeing is believing. Don’t just make sure your product insert is useful – make a video and put it on the page.
“Hi guys, this is how I make awesome coffee using this espresso machine” would be a great start. Show how to set the machine up, how to put the coffee in, all the stuff someone needs to know. And finish with a nice cup of coffee and a satisfied “mmm”.
Or if you have a product that looks boring, like a dog lead, make a video walking your own dog. Or someone else using it to walk theirs – and show how it attaches and releases easily, how good it looks, how easy it is to pull on it if you need to control the dog, and so on.
In fact, it’s weird. Anyone who has a cat knows it’s easier to drop them into a cat carrier than to push them backwards into one (and they darn well won’t go in forwards), yet I’ve never seen a video making the point!
So there you are. Think about what your customer needs to see to buy the product before you design your product page. And if you didn’t do it then, do it now and see your sales jump.