Big tasks become much simpler if you break them into smaller steps. Managing an Amazon business involves doing many different things from marketing to developing new products.
So how can you make sure you do everything you need to – and still make a decent profit? Break the work down into daily tasks during the week.
If you already have products on Amazon, we have the perfect weekly schedule for you. If you are still sourcing your first product – focus 100% on getting the first product ready – then follow this simple plan to manage your business.
Monday – Performance Day
To know where things are going right and where things are going wrong – you need to review your business performance in detail
Every Monday morning go through all your SKUs sales and profits and check how they’re doing, from conversion rates to keyword position. You can check all of these metrics using software like AMZ Tracker or Tracker M.
For each SKU check the sales over the last seven days, the refunds, stock levels, and do a quick review of the competition.
Designating a fixed day for a particular task means you can systematize your Amazon business and grow faster.
Tip 2 Tuesday – New product day
Do some research for new potential items, even if you don’t have the cash to add them now. Looking at other listings and products will teach you how to optimize your listing and give you ideas for better niches in the future.
Keep adding new product ideas to a list and begin to action quotes and development for those items.
Tip 3 Wednesday – Sourcing day / Supplier Day
For the products on your list, check Alibaba.com to get a quick idea of the price. For the top three items, start reaching out to suppliers and getting accurate quotes, material options and samples.
Even if you’re still doing your first product, this planning could help you future-proof your business. So if your niche becomes too competitive, or you’re doing well and want to expand, you’ll have items 2,3 and 4 ready to go so you can get up to speed quickly.
You can also use this day to work with your existing suppliers on improving your products. From packaging to materials – there is always something you can make better that will result in more long term profits and sales.
Tip 4 Thursday – Pay per click day
Optimizing pay per click will also boost your organic rankings. Take the time to download all the reports, and review the impressions, conversions and sales for every keyword.
Advertising can also massively boost your organic ranking so it is worth taking the time to optimize it.
Tip 5 Friday – Extra marketing day
Marketing is the cornerstone to winning on Amazon after you have launched your product. You cannot just expect the product to sell itself – so the more marketing you do – the better results you will have.
Even if you’ve just launched one product, set aside one day a week to lay the foundation for marketing off-Amazon. If you do this systematically every week you’ll start to see great results within a few weeks.
Think about extra marketing you can do to boost sales and put it into action ASAP.
Tip 6 Saturday or Sunday – Study day.
The only way to win long-term on Amazon is to continually study. Check out the AMZ Tracker YouTube channel for more tips and guidance. Once every month, do a detailed review of your Amazon business – and take a day or 2 to plan out your main tasks for the upcoming month also.