Christmas is almost here. But… a lot of people haven’t bought gifts yet. Which means for the smart seller, now can be the most profitable time of the year.
In today’s article, I’m going to show you how to catch these customers’ attention, and show them you have a gift worth giving!
Change the Vision from YOU to GIFT

One of the most important rules in marketing and sales is that it’s all about the customer. No, I’m not saying you have to cater to their every win. I mean that most people only have the attention span for themselves online. It’s proven science in the advertising field.
So if your product listing doesn’t show them what’s in it for them immediately, they’ll leave.
EXCEPT… during Christmas.
This is when people are shopping for others. Especially in this last-minute timeframe. So now we want to paint the picture of who our gift is for, and how giving it will make their recipient light up.
Categorize Your Gift

The first step is to figure out what kind of gift your product is. Christmas gifts go up and down the money scale almost infinitely. It starts with homemade goods. Moves to stocking stuffers. Then average gifts like socks and clothes. Home appliances. Gaming systems. TVs. Apple products. Jewelry. Designer clothing. Cars.
You get the idea.
So where does your product fit on the price range? This is the foundation of the new vision you’ll paint in these last minute days.
Change Your Product Listings

Now we need to edit our product listings to make them ‘gift oriented’. Express the benefits of the product based on the product category.
So let’s say you have a candle that costs $15. This could be a stocking stuffer or a small gift. So, talk about that in the copy. Talk about how their face will light up when they see the candle. How they’ll check the label to see what the scent is. Then open up and smell it. How they’ll get a huge smile on their face and say, ‘I love it!’.
Or, if you’re selling a more luxury product, paint that picture. The diamond bracelet. The shock and delight on her face when she opens it. See, when people buy luxury, they want the impact. So, show them how your product will get them there.
Add Last Minute Logistics Assurance

So now they know your product is the perfect gift. But they DON’T know if it will get there in time. Make that abundantly clear. Put badges on the page that say “Guaranteed Delivery By Christmas”.
Express how active your customer support is right now. And that if they order they can be sure that not only did they get the perfect gift, it will arrive just in time.
Sales Driving Tactics

Now that you know how to give your customers the right presentation, let’s talk about bringing more of those customers to you.
Pump Up the Scarcity
Now is by far THE most profitable time of the year to email, period. That’s because it’s the time when we can utilize one of the most powerful sales tactics there is: legitimate scarcity.
When time is running out, it compels people to buy more. Especially when it’s for a legitimate reason!
Scarcity is your most powerful sales tool. However if you use it too much, you’ll turn off your customers and they’ll buy from someone else. But during Christmas, you can really take it to the next level and use it to drive sales without hurting your customer base.
Send Daily Emails
Every day, send out a broadcast email framing your product as a gift from different angles. Assure your customers the product will get to them in time. Tell them about your amazing support. And show them how easy it is to make a return in the unlikely event the gift isn’t well received.
If You Have an Info Product, Advertise on These Days Only

This tip is only for digital products. So gift cards, e-books, downloadable courses, etc. Normally, it gets very expensive to advertise during the holiday season. However, during the 23rd – 25th , much of the advertising stops. This is because there’s no way the physical products will arrive in time.
So, if you sell a digital product, you can run ads at this time to REALLY bring a flood of last minute orders in. Again, go hard on the scarcity here. Put countdown timers on the site leading up to Christmas. Show the people how it’s not too late.
Closing Thoughts
We’re in the final stretch of Q4. Use the tips I’ve outlined in this article to reap in the last minute sales. And start 2020 stronger than ever!