This Week in AMZ #14: Walmart Fires Back Again, Hackers Target 3rd Party Sellers, Survey Reveals What Teens Think About Amazon and More
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Walmart Rolls Out New Discount Program
Walmart is increasingly challenging Amazon. From next week, it plans to offer discounts on around 10,000 online-only items. But there’s a catch: These items won’t be shipped.
Instead, customers will have to pick them up at one of the Walmart stores. This is how the company can offer the discounts in the first place.
The move is another example of Walmart’s recent initiatives to compete with Amazon. Earlier this year, Walmart announced its free 2-day shipping on all orders over $35. This was a response meant to rival Amazon’s Prime membership, which currently costs $99 per year.
Should you be concerned as an Amazon seller? Probably not. But as Walmart tries to drive more visitors online, it will become a more attractive marketplace for sellers looking to diversify.