Your Total Amazon Solution

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Today we are going to be taking a top to bottom look at Amazon keywords, why they are important to you, and how AMZ Tracker can help you find not only the best keywords for your own product but also which keywords your competition use. Get the edge, and rise to the top of your niche with focused Amazon keywords.

Amazon now hosts over 12 millions products on their website, and that’s not even counting books, media, wine, and services. To sort through this huge variety, Amazon customers are more and more often turning to the search bar to help them find exactly what they are looking for. Customers will type in keywords relevant to their products and usually pick from one of the first few pages presented to them.

Amazon customers may search for very broad keywords such as “Essential Oil” or “Aromatherapy”; looking for a general overview of the products available. Others may be more specific, if a customer is using a specific keyword, let’s say “Peppermint essential oil for concentration”, then we can assume that they have a clear idea of exactly what they want.

What are keywords?

– Amazon automatically collects and ranks customer searches made with the Amazon search bar.

– Search terms are internally ranked and organized by Amazon into keyword lists.

– These keyword lists are then used to provide customers with associated search terms and phrases.

Why are they important?

– Having the correct keywords means that customers are able to quickly find your products.

– Knowing how and why your target audience uses certain keywords will allow you to make sure your products rank well in their searches.

– Knowing which keywords your competitors are targetting can help you judge the market and avoid oversaturated niches as a smaller business.

What types of keywords are there?

– We split keywords into three categories. Major keywords, Longtail Keywords, and niche searches.

As a seller, you must identify which keywords are relevant to your products. There will be the major keywords which describe what the items actually are, such as “socks”, as well as a range of more specific searches such as “women’s socks” or “10 pack men’s socks”, and also niche terms such as “organic cotton yoga socks”.

How do I use these keywords?

Product listings that include a wide variety of relevant keywords from each type are more likely to appear in multiple search queries, which in turn, leads to more traffic to your product and inevitably more sales.

‘Major Keywords’ are the most popular terms people are using when looking for products.  Using major keywords in your product descriptions and titles will lead to the most traffic, however, they will also have the most competition. More specific keywords will generate less traffic but have the advantage of a higher click-through rate due to greater buyer intent from the customer. Niche terms will have the least traffic of all but offer the advantage of less competition making it easier to rank well.

How can AMZ Tracker help?

With AMZ Trackers DeepWords tool you can search over 17-million terms to find out what your customers are searching for and the level of demand for each search phrase. It’s useful for not only determining demand, deciding on a product but also to optimize your listing for ranking and conversion.

For more information about DeepWords check out the link below!

You can also find new keywords with our “Find New Keywords” feature. Type in a product name to quickly generate a list of common keywords. From this list you can gain additional suggestions and export the list for later use. Finding new keywords is made simple, quick, and easy with AMZ Trackers fantastic suit of keyword research tools.

For more information about this feature check out the link below!

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