Pinterest has millions of visitors a day. And the images in Pinterest often show up near the top of google.
So how can you leverage this platform to grow your business? In this article we cover the Top 7 Tips for posting Amazon product details on Pinterest.
Tip 1 Consistent Posts
As with any social media platform, you need to consistently add new content that is interesting and relevant to your broader market.
Aim to add 5 to 10 pins spread evenly throughout the week.
If you only post a few images you cannot expect much results. Commit to posting over a period of 10 to 15 weeks then see how your results are doing.
Evey extra visitor from Pinterest to Amazon is going to help your Organic Amazon Ranking also.
Tip 2 Register for Promoted Pins
Apply for Pinterest’s promoted pins platform which lets you spread your content by sponsoring pins.
Some marketers have found 100% to 200% or more return on ad spend. Test with a small budget and see if it helps you to sell more of your Amazon product.
I would recommend first getting your board set up and having at least 50 normal posts before trying ad spend. That way – you can better convert those ad visitors – as they will see a lot of interesting posts.
Tip 3 Follow the Simple 80-20 Rules

Try to post 8 informative or fun pins for every 1 or 2 pins about your product.
That way the vast majority of your content is not just sales material but helps to build a community.
If you only ever post deals or pictures of your product – nobody is going to follow you. But if you focus on interesting content and occasionally post your product you will build trust with your audience and also they will be much more likely to follow your posts.
Tip 4 Check What’s Popular
Use Pingroupie to find popular boards.
Check out the material they are posting and try to mimic the most popular pins and themes.
Copying what is working and adjusting to match your niche is usually a winning strategy. Try to find 3 or 4 topics you can cover with your posts – that way you can engage many people.
Tip 5 Engage a Wider Audience
Don’t aim too narrow when posting content.
Even if you are selling garlic presses, nobody’s going to join a social media platform to learn more about garlic presses. You can engage a much wider audience by varying your content.
Post fun recipes, cooking images, and occasionally include recipes or foods that require the product you’re selling.
Think about what you would want to see if you were the customer. Stock photos or professional images do not have to cost too much – but can really make your posts stand out.
Tip 6 Periodically Make Special Offers

Once you have built an audience you can do a great discount or promotion for them.
Don’t do this more than once a month, otherwise you may lose your audience.
Tip 7 Give it Time
When you have only 50 to 100 posts you may not get many visitors.
Keep it up and over time your list will grow and grow and your content will act as a magnet for new customers.
Remember, keep pushing until you have several hundred posts over 3 to 4 months – and remember to link back to your Amazon product to drive more traffic to it.